HomeAffiliate earningHow to Get High commission with Shareasale Affiliate Programs

How to Get High commission with Shareasale Affiliate Programs

Shareasale Affiliate Programs

There’s no denying the effects of e-commerce. While it still can’t match the sales volume of its brick-and-mortar counterparts, internet shopping has enjoyed more than a 10 percent market increase annually for the past decade.
Without any signs of slowing forecasts predict the eCommerce market will exceed $8 trillion globally over the next two years — today is the perfect time to take advantage of internet sales growth and start earning money through your WordPress website.
The challenge? Finding the proper platform When there are hundreds of affiliate marketing applications now available online, some are (much) better than others.
Affiliate program Shareasale is among the most popular, well-reviewed, and simplest to use.

What’s affiliate marketing?

Affiliates, meanwhile, put links to merchants on their sites; if someone clicks one of those links and makes a purchase, the affiliate gets paid a small commission.
This creates a chance for small businesses and personal website owners that regularly create great content and revel in steady traffic. If you find an affiliate program that aligns with your customers’ interests, it is possible to direct them to merchant sites and make money in the process.
The key to affiliate marketing is hope: We have all seen websites that are nothing but sponsored links and advertisements, or company blogs with posts that are simply marketing copy for retailers. In order to make affiliate marketing work, you need to find the right affiliate partner and ensure the creation will capture user interest and compel them to click merchant links.

Why choose Shareasale?

Shareasale is a favorite affiliate marketing program with just two decades of expertise in sales and advertising. Affiliates have access to more than 4,800 merchants across numerous markets and niche businesses, making it effortless to find the right match for your website. Even though there is a learning curve that accompanies the placement and context of affiliate marketing leads, Shareasale is regarded as a trusted source of online affiliate income.

Applying for a Affiliate Account on Shareasale

To begin using Shareasale, see their site and click on yellow. I’m an Affiliate button to start the sign-up process. You will be directed to this page.
On another page, you’ll be asked for information about your websites like its URL and primary language. It is worth noting this to use Shareasale; you want a current webpage — make sure that your website is up and running before you apply.
To fill out the application process, you will need to enter your payment and address details. Shareasale does not use PayPal but does offer payment via ACH or physical check. Your program will typically be assessed and accepted at 2-3 days.

Getting Started with Shareasale

When your application is accepted, it’s time to begin adding affiliate links. Shareasale offers a powerful search tool that lets you filter retailers, by category, keywords, sales commission structure, or amount of time together with Shareasale. It is also possible to look at the top 100 merchants on the site to find out if any suit your site niche. When you click on a retailer, you’ll see both the commission structure and payment amounts.

There are just two merchant marketing models to Make Money with Shareasale:

  • Pay Per Lead — You get paid every time a visitor follows your affiliate link to a retailer’s guide capture form and fully completes it.
  • Pay Per Sale — You make a commission when visitors follow your direct connection to a solution or webpage and make a purchase.

    After selecting a retailer, you’re going to be able to access their referral links and banners by your Shareasale account. Highlight the text you will use for the link, click the Insert/Edit Link button at WordPress (it looks like two connected links of a chain) and glue the Shareasale affiliate URL.
    Shareasale pays commissions monthly, and you can log into your account at any time to check your earnings from real-time. The Shareasale minimum threshold to cash out is $50.

    Optimizing Your Blog or Website for Shareasale

    Even though you can put Shareasale links into any WordPress place or add affiliate banners anywhere on your website, you won’t earn any money if users do not click through.

    Four steps will help boost the impact of your website and increase your affiliate earnings:

    1. Choose a high-quality hosting service that is reliable and fast, and regularly update your WordPress website to the newest version.
    2. Select a secure domain name that communicates what your page is all about. As an example, if you write a fitness site, be sure that you include standard terms associated with that market niche on your WordPress domain.
    3. Select a WordPress theme that’s easy to navigate and matches the tone and style of your posts.

    4. Find and promote products that appeal to your visitors. If you are running a favorite physical fitness site, be sure that you’re linking to retailers offering healthy eating alternatives, fitness equipment, or training solutions.

    Making the Most of Shareasale

    Shareasale is a reliable, dependable affiliate marketing program that provides substantial earning capacity.
    Turning this potential into profit begins with a plan. To take advantage of Shareasale, make your WordPress website up and running — be sure to select a fantastic domain name, create excellent articles, and capture a steady stream of traffic. Then, sign up for Shareasale and choose affiliate marketing links that align with visitor interests.
    Ultimately, insert these links as naturally as you possibly can on your posts. Even though the occasional banner ads or direct product review can help drive conversion, then you are best-served by naturally integrating Shareasale hyperlinks into your posts. If your customers feel like they’re merely a sale, they won’t stay for long.
    Earn more from your website with Shareasale. Find your niche, open your affiliate accounts, and join traffic with value-added content.



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